Search for tag: "fifth_english"


This video will assist 5th grade students in understanding how to use a colon in a sentence to introduce a list when there is a complete sentence before it.

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Verb Tense to Convey Time

This video will help 5th grade students to understand verbs and verb tense to convey time.

From  admin 0 likes 261 plays 0  

Verbs and Verb Phrases

This video will help 5th grade students to understand verbs and verb phrases.

From  admin 0 likes 419 plays 0  

Related Information:Text Structure-Sequence

This video will help students identify and understand the text structure of sequence.

From  admin 0 likes 158 plays 0  

Related Information:Text Structure-Process

This video will help students identify and understand the text structure process.

From  admin 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Shifts in Verb Tense

This video will help 5th grade students to understand shifts in verb tense.

From  admin 0 likes 116 plays 0  

Nouns as subjects and objects

From  admin 0 likes 139 plays 0  

Figurative Language Simile and Metaphor

This video will help students identify and understand simile and metaphor.

From  admin 0 likes 226 plays 0  

Figurative Language Idiom and Personification

This video will help students identify and understand idioms and personification.

From  admin 0 likes 202 plays 0  

Figurative Language- Hyperbole, Alliteration, and Onomatopoeia

This video will help students identify and understand figurative language, such as, hyperbole, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.

From  admin 0 likes 233 plays 0  

Correlative Conjunctions

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This video will help 5th grade students to understand conjunctions.

From  admin 0 likes 68 plays 0  


This video will help 5th grade students to understand the use of commas.

From  admin 0 likes 72 plays 0  

Verbs to convey state of being

From  admin 0 likes 70 plays 0  

Adjectives to modify Nouns and Pronouns

This video will help 5th grade students to understand how to use adjectives to modify nouns and pronouns.

From  admin 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Author's Point and Reasons

This video will help students identify and understand Author's points and their supporting reasons.

From  admin 0 likes 93 plays 0