Search for tag: "fifth_english_5"

Shifts in Verb Tense

This video will help 5th grade students to understand shifts in verb tense.

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From  admin 0 likes 120 plays 0  

Adages and Proverbs

This video will help students identify and understand adages and proverbs.

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From  admin 0 likes 285 plays 0  

Narrative Revising

This video will assist 5th grade students to revise narrative writing.

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From  admin 0 likes 57 plays 0  

Multi-Media and Visual Tools

This video will assist 5th grade students in understanding how visual and multimedia materials contribute to the meaning, tone, and beauty of a text.

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From  admin 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Context Clues

This video will help students identify and understand context clues found within the text.

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From  admin 0 likes 2,411 plays 0  

Comparing and Contrasting Elements of a Story

This video will assist students to be able to compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, and events in a story.

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From  admin 0 likes 949 plays 0