Search for tag: "kindergarten_science"

Near and Big, Far and Small

This video will assist Kindergarten students in understanding that objects near to you look bigger and objects far from you look smaller.

From  admin 0 likes 999 plays 0  

Near and Big, Far and Small in Space

This video will assist Kindergarten students in understanding that objects in space look smaller than they actually are because they are far away.

From  admin 0 likes 801 plays 0  

Real or Imaginary?

This video will assist Kindergarten students in deciding if plants and animals are real or imaginary.

From  admin 0 likes 1,277 plays 0  

Parts of a Plant

This video will assist Kindergarten students in understanding the different parts of a plant.

From  admin 0 likes 337 plays 0  

What is gravity and how does it work?

This video will assist Kindergarten students in understanding gravity and how it works.

From  admin 0 likes 957 plays 0  

Describing and Comparing Plants

This video will assist Kindergarten students in describing and comparing plants.

From  admin 0 likes 1,049 plays 0  

Day and Night Sky

This video will assist Kindergarten students in explaining what the day and night sky looks like and how they are different.

From  admin 0 likes 1,773 plays 0  

Comparing Plants and Animals

This video will assist Kindergarten students in comparing plants and animals.

From  admin 0 likes 683 plays 0  

Describing and Comparing Animals

This video will assist Kindergarten students in describing and comparing animals.

From  admin 0 likes 1,270 plays 0  

Sorting Objects by Temperature, Weight, and Texture

This video will assist Kindergarten students in sorting different objects by temperature, weight, and texture.

From  admin 0 likes 865 plays 0  

Sorting Objects by Size, Color, and Shape

This video will assist Kindergarten students in sorting different objects by color, size, and shape.

From  admin 0 likes 1,026 plays 0  

Pushes and Pulls

This video will assist Kindergarten students in understanding that big/little pushes/pulls can make objects move fast/slow.

From  admin 0 likes 721 plays 0  

Position Words

This video will assist Kindergarten students in using position words to describe where an object is.

From  admin 0 likes 298 plays 0  

Using the Five Senses

This video will assist students working in Kindergarten Science Module 2 with using their five senses to make observations.

From  admin 0 likes 2,482 plays 0  

Matching Altered Objects to their Original Form

This video will assist Kindergarten students in matching altered objects to their original form.

From  admin 0 likes 1,183 plays 0