This video will help 2nd grade students in understanding sunlight and how if affects temperature.
This video will assist 2nd grade students in understanding the effects of the sun on the Earth.
This video will assist 2nd grade students in understanding sunlight.
This video will help 2nd grade students to understand different forms of natural power in our environment.
This video will help 2nd grade students understand electricity and how it is created.
This video will help 2nd grade students in applying and understanding different forms of energy and their uses.
This video will help 2nd grade students understand how to solve word problems with money.
This video will help 2nd grade students tell time to the hour.
This video will help 2nd grade students tell time to the minute.
This video will help 2nd grade students identify the characteristics of squares.
This video will help 2nd grade students to identify different attributes of shapes.
This video will help 2nd graders regroup 2 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers when subtracting.
This video will help 2nd grade students identify the characteristics of polygons and quadrilaterals.
This video will help 2nd graders find patterns in numbers by skip-counting by 5s and 10s.
This video will help 2nd grade students to identify and find the difference between odd and even numbers.
This video will assist 2nd graders to solve money word problems.